Graduate Student Association
The Graduate Student Association (GSA) at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) is an institution-wide organization that seeks to advance the interests of approximately 2,300 UNC graduate students through the representation of their needs and support of activities central to graduate education.
The GSA organizes the distribution of the largest pool of research and conference grant funding available to all graduate students at UNC. Grant applications are received over four grant cycles throughout the year.
The GSA is also tasked with contributing to the well-being of the graduate community. The GSA coordinates numerous social events and professional development programs, develops campus and community partnerships, appoints graduate students to campus committees and provides general support to UNC graduate students.
Volunteer with the GSA
If you are interested in volunteering with the GSA, please send an email to Positions include:
- Faculty Research and Publications Board (FRPB) Representative
- Graduate Academic Appeals Board (AAB) Representative
- Graduate Council Representative
- GSA Grant Review Committee Representative
- Campus Recreation Center Advisory Board (CRAB) Representative
The GSA is staffed by one 20-hour/week graduate assistant (the GSA Director), one part-time work-study undergraduate student (GSA Administrative Assistant), and a handful of volunteer graduate students.
Earn Additional Research/Conference Travel Grant Money
The GSA has several fundraising opportunities available for graduate students interested in making connections with local businesses and organizations. Commission only. Earned commissions will only go towards research and/or conference travel reimbursements for the graduate student (no cash distributions). The GSA is seeking sales reps for the UNC Local Business Fair and UNC Off-Campus Housing Fair. For more information, contact